Today found me driving home in fog, mist, and rain while listening to old radio classics: Screen Director’s Play (The Big Clock, The Trouble With Women, Meet Mr. McNutley, Jack Benny Program), When Radio Was (Burns & Allen Pt2, Crime Classics, Let George Do It, Crime Club), Inner Sanctum Mysteries (Amazing Death of Mrs. Putnam, Death Pays the Freight, The Whistler, Suspense) just to name a few.

I love listening to these old shows. They show how writing has changed. In the Golden Age of Radio, the writing needed to create the actual picture in the listener’s head. With the possibility of confusing one actor’s voice with another, the writing had to be spot on for the listener.

I look at some people’s writing and think that they need to listen to old radio shows. Continue reading “A WRITER’S THOUGHTS”




2016 has been laid to rest and 2017 has begun.

In preparation for our move in 2015, I cleaned out the old metal desk in my basement. Old papers and magazines found their way into the trash barrel; things that were no longer needed found their way into the Salvation Army box; but some things went into the boxes to be moved. In the box to move, I placed the folder with my scores on certification tests, my teaching certificates, my diplomas, my evaluations, and my contracts. Continue reading “PERSONAL WRITING CONTRACT”

A Writer's Path

Sharing writing tips, information, and advice.


writing tips, beta resources & antics of an internet beta reader

The Words & Madness of Chloe Stowe

Author. Traveler. Survivor.

Piyusha Vir

Wandering Soul Writer

Memee's Musings

Thoughts about life, death, and the world around me.

Wild Currents

because life is a journey